Peer Review and Ethics

Peer Review Process: The articles will be peer-reviewed with the help of authors, a dedicated review team and editorial board members. The system is designed to help Indian authors or authors from developing countries and to give constant support for continual development.

Review 1 (OPEN): The Manuscript contains the name of the peer review department if the author opts for OPEN review system.  

Review 2 (Single-blind peer review): The journal editorial board members will also review the Manuscript (24 Hours).

Review 3 (Double-blind peer review): The dedicated review team at "Management and Technology Research Journal" will review the Manuscript (24 Hours).


Case Scenario 1: The author finds a friend and completes the peer review process. There is no wrong with the author completing the open peer review process, but if the reviewer comprimises the standards, then it will become a problem.

Ethics & Morals

The department name will be printed in the Manuscript (For Open Review). The reviewer must take extensive care before accepting any manuscript, or the department will get blacklisted forever. Reviewer three will reject the Manuscript in such cases, and editorial board members will reject such Manuscript. 

After rejection:  

The department name will be blacklisted, and the names will be forwarded to all publishing houses. The list of blacklisted departments will be mentioned on the Sevas Publishing Website. 

Case Scenario 2: The author finds a known editorial board member and asks for publication. The author arranges a peer reviewer for his/her fabricated data. 

Review 3 will rejects the Manuscript. If such scenario happens, then the Editorial Board member will immediately be removed from the Journal. The author will be blacklisted and article title will be prefixed as "Retracted and Blacklisted Author".